Life is Now…

Connect to your heart,

Let it tell you your truth,

Let it guide you to what you want to experience more of now…

Complementary 20-Minute Consultation

If you are a prospective client, I am happy to provide a complementary 20-minute consultation. On our call, we can discuss the value of Compassionate Communication Coaching, and general relationship coaching, regarding your specific situation. After hearing about what is prompting your contemplation for coaching, and what you desire to get out of it, I will talk about the aspects of coaching that I believe would be most helpful to you as well as fees and the best approach, in terms of time and methods. There is no obligation, whatsoever; and if I do not believe that I would be a good fit for your needs, I will tell you that, too. If you decide, however, that the coaching and training I have to offer meets your needs, we can set our first appointment at that time. With coaching, as with anything in life, it is important that you feel inspired by our work together.

Compassionate Communication Coaching is a wondrous journey that leads to awareness, insight, and more conscious action. I look forward to assisting you on your journey in whatever way I can.

Call me today at 828.283.9300, or send an email, to set up your complementary consultation.