What would it be like to live, speak, and act
from your heart and for your heart?
So many of us not only live according to other people’s ideas and paths, we often don’t speak our truth, just to keep the peace. This is especially true with people who are empathic or sensitive to others and their environment. Not being able to identify what we need and want and then being able to ask others for it has devastating effects. We can feel lonely, sad, and a deep amount of pain from the unexpressed life.
As each day goes by, we can lose confidence in our self and maybe one day, you may wake up so incredibly disappointed about your life experience and wonder if you still want to be here. That’s what happened to me. But through steady application of the principles of Non-violent Communication (NVC) I found my way back. I now want to help others avoid the loneliness and pain I’ve been through by learning the simple practice of NVC and how it can help you live for your heart.
Living for the heart has to do with knowing what you want on the deepest levels in terms of how you want to live, what matters most to you – generally and in your day-to-day interactions, and what you need to thrive, and following that, because when you do, your heart will be much happier and your life will feel a LOT better.
Sounds pretty simple, but it’s not always easy – at least at first – since living this way means developing the skill to be present, aware, and tuned in, saying “No” when something doesn’t feel right, being vulnerable, honing communication skills, breaking long-standing habits, evaluating and changing relationships so they also work for you, and maybe even leaving jobs and some relationships behind. As you cultivate the practice of living for your heart, besides feeling so much better about yourself, which brings great rewards, you will enjoy much more peace and enjoyment in life…
This month I’m offering Coaching on a Choose YOUR Price basis… My passion is helping human hearts! I look forward to talking with you! Please email me with any questions or if you’d like to schedule a time to talk!

What do you desire? Clarity, more love for yourself and others, a more joyful life? Let’s find out!

Ready to take the next step? Learn about Lynn’s private
and group coaching and training programs.