Life is Now…

Connect to your heart,

Let it tell you your truth,

Let it guide you to what you want to experience more of now…

How Coaching Works…

Coaching is the essential process of helping you move from point A to point B; however, both process and outcomes are important! Hardly anyone wants to stress or force or effort their way to their goals; so I work with you to develop a process that will help you accomplish what you need in ways that feel good to you. You determine where you want to go and together we figure out the how!

Good coaching involves many aspects, including solid questions, an understanding of why you want what you want, what changes are required for your desired outcome, and navigating how you feel during the process; it also inspires and uplifts. Coaching requires a willingness to be self-directed, to learn and adapt new skills, and to practice new behaviors. People who are inspired by personal growth are best suited for coaching.

Coaching can be structured, or free-form. Structured means that certain skills are taught and discussed, often in a particular order; free-form coaching is a method for addressing what is needed in the moment most often related to your goal, but not always.

What you can anticipate from coaching with me…

You can count on a safe, loving, compassionate space within which to explore the best process and outcomes for you. A coach’s job is to help you direct yourself: I ask strong questions that help you gain the clarity you desire and together we determine the best ways to get there.