How Coaching Works…

Coaching is the essential process of helping people move from point A to point B. Good coaching involves and understanding of what the change requires; it also inspires and uplifts.

Coaching requires a willingness on the part of every participant to learn and adapt new skills, and to practice new behaviors. People who are inspired by personal growth are best suited for coaching.

Coaching can be structured, or free-form. Structured means that certain skills are taught and discussed, generally in a particular order; free-form coaching is a method for addressing what is “alive” (the feeling, needs, and preferences) for a person or group based on immediate present life situations. Either way, when I first meet with a client, I listen for what change or changes are desired, and then develop a plan of action – either specific, or general – that includes how to best conduct sessions so that there is a gain in both understanding and application of the concepts. Each session typically starts with a check-in, and concludes with sharing about the insights gained in the session in addition to identifying specific actions to practice in the time between our sessions.

What you can anticipate from coaching…