Life is Now…

Connect to your heart,

Let it tell you your truth,

Let it guide you to what you want to experience more of now…

I offer coaching and classes for individuals, couples, and groups on how to communicate more compassionately with one another. Compassionate Communication, which is the name that I give to Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication (NVC) bridges gaps, increases understanding and connection, and promotes goodwill by eliminating blaming language.

How communication Coaching Works…

Coming soon!

Coaching Services

Coaching can occur one-on-one with individuals, or with two or more people. I have coached individuals as well as couples, families, and people within an organization on how to communicate feelings and needs and preferences, for the purposes of achieving greater understanding and effective, harmonious action forward.

would you like communications coaching?

If you would like to speak to me about working together to fulfill your goals to communicate more clearly, compassionately, and effectively, kindly fill out the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest in Compassionate Communication!