Life is Now…

Connect to your heart,

Let it tell you your truth,

Let it guide you to what you want to experience more of now…

About Lynn


I have offered relationship & communication coaching and mentoring to individuals, couples, and groups for nearly 10 years, and was first introduced to Compassionate Communication through a seminar hosted by Nonviolent Communication (NVC) creator Marshall B. Rosenberg in 2006. I was moved by Marshall’s whole-hearted presence, and the obvious healing effects and power of the compassionate speaking and listening that I witnessed. Over time, it has become my passion to pass what I have learned through my practice to others, so that they, too, can experience the increased peace and harmony that I once thought was impossible to achieve.

Compassionate Communication is only one of the many spiritual methods and life lessons from conscious, learned individuals that I use in my coaching. From a broader perspective, my aim is to help people understand the mechanisms by which we create suffering for ourselves, and teach tools for overcoming it, so that we can better enjoy life, together.

My two-decades-long practice of having to overcome deep emotional and mental pain related to thinking something was wrong with me because I am more sensitive and empathetic than the general public has helped me understand not only the workings of the mind, but that everything in life is, indeed, a relationship, and, therefore, requires relating to, as a matter of health. As such, my coaching is focused on relating authentically from the heart and taking action for the heart. This has resulted in more connected and harmonious relationships with myself, others, and life, for which I am deeply grateful.

Over my diverse nearly 30-year career in the natural health and wellness field, I have also served as a division manager at a major health insurance company, and as a business and editorial consultant to numerous small enterprises, mostly in the health field. I also maintain an active career as a book editor and have written and edited professionally for nearly 20 years. Four books for which I served as managing editor over the past three years have won a total of eleven prestigious book awards. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being as well as writing and teaching have been my passion and interest for most of my adult life. 

I have resided in Hendersonville, NC, since 2015, where I am joyfully reconnecting to my love for the mountains and hiking.

My Purpose

My purpose is simple: It’s to lessen the burden of suffering on the planet by fostering compassionate connection to self and others. I offer consistent instruction on overcoming the mind’s tendency to create pain and separation. For this part of the teaching, I share concepts from Nonviolent Communication (NVC), but also from other teachings. I also practice active listening through the life-affirming practice of empathy, which is a key practice of NVC. Empathy, which is the experience of holding an unconditionally kind and loving space for all that arises in us and in others, is a very healing practice for the human heart, and alleviates the burden of suffering. Read more about my classes here.

I feel blessed to have Lynn as a teacher and coach of Compassionate Communication. As a result of this learning, my thinking and communication with myself and others is dramatically kinder and more effective. I’m most often able to arrive at peace in my own heart and mind no matter what the situation. It’s been a profound help for me in moving through some relationship challenges that have been there for many years. And these shifts are happening more quickly than I thought they would! I would recommend Lynn’s gentle, yet powerful teachings to anyone desiring more peace, personally, and in the world.

— M.R. West Palm Beach, FL

Common Outcomes…

  • Increased confidence in communications
  • Greater understanding of ones own behavior, and that of others, which leads to more peace and harmony
  • Improved listening skills
  • Heightened awareness of ones own feelings, needs, and preferences, and those of others
  • Healthier, positive comprehension of human dynamics
  • Deepening of love and acceptance for oneself and others
  • Expanded sense of power to create change in life-enhancing and meaningful ways
  • More happiness and contentedness
  • Enhanced connection to the present moment, which aides in clarity, as well as better decision making.
  • Strengthened sense of our true nature, which is love and compassion


Questions? Feel free to call me at 828.283.9300 or Email me at